
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Now It's Halal Tacos

Part of the strategy of US-based Islamists* is to establish links with other ethnic minorities under the narrative that they are all oppressed minorities. We have seen how Islamists in Southern California have forged relationships with Japanese-American organizations like the highly-respected Japanese American Citizens League which jointly organize annual tours to places like Manzanar in the California desert, where Japanese-Americans were interned during World War II. To me this is nothing more than  cynical exploitation of a true injustice in American history by raising the specter that Muslim Americans might someday be interned as well, something that no serious person has ever discussed.

Similarly, organizations like CAIR have been quick to link up with Black Lives Matter and other black groups and enroll them in the anti-Israel campaign portraying Palestinians as similar victims of oppression.

Now it's halal tacos. Below is an article for NPR by Gustavo Arellano, a leftie writer for the Orange County Weekly.

"Dismissed people are longing for a space in these divisive times," says Hamida, a staffer for Los Angeles-area Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, a Democrat. "And they're doing it in a delicious way."

Cristina Garcia??? She is currently in the headlines for something other than tacos.

And yes. Garcia was one of those "silence-breakers" featured in Time Magazine in December for fighting back against sexual harassment.

But the issue of Islamists reaching out to forge ties with Hispanics is not new. Here is an article from the OC Weekly about this from 2016. Note the cynical use of Andalus(ia) to ingratiate themselves with Hispanics.

There is nothing wrong with various minorities getting know each other and forge friendships. Yet, I sense that there is something cynical going on here. In both articles the commonality of being oppressed or "dismissed" peoples is acknowledged.

*Islamists  I use this term deliberately to distinguish those who wish to advance the cause of Islamic domination, even by peaceful means, as opposed to everyday Muslims. The distinction is an important one.

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