
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Austria: The Sound of Sharia

Hat tip Vlad Tepes
Image result for the sound of music

"The hills are alive with the sound of sharia"

The Austrians are shocked. They never anticipated this happening. But it did. An 18-year-old Afghan immigrant walked into police headquarters and calmly told them he had stabbed his 14-year-old sister to death in an "honor killing."

"The perpetrator, who is only 18 years old, turned himself in to the police before noon this same day. In his opinion, it were “good”, that his sister is dead now. “She stained our family’s honor”, 

No, it is you who stained your family's honor. Now they have a murder in the family (but they probably don't care about that.)

The attack was not foreseeable for us, und (sic) came completely unexpected.”

Austria as a whole should have foreseen incidents like this happening when they agreed to admit all these people who follow sharia law. No they have to get used to it. Young immigrant girls from Muslim countries face death in Austria if they attempt to assimmilate.

Hopefully, they will investigate the involvement of the rest of the family in this death.

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